MagmaChem News

Geologic Hydrogen
MagmaChem Research Institute is on the front lines of discovering how the process of serpentinization creates geologic hydrogen. Contact Monte Swan at for more information about his upcoming poster presentation in Alaska!
The MagmaChem Earth System Model is unique and immensely powerful as an analytical tool, which can be used to explain mineral deposits of all types, - saline, lacustrian, deep-sea, hydrothermal, or volcanic. It represents a powerful dynamic, synoptic, and analytical tool, which can be used to understand mineral deposits and also act as a powerful predictive tool to finding several types of mineral deposits in relation to rock types, the tectonic setting and its history of any global area in question. Therefore, this is the professional geophysical explorationists ultimate tool of choice. - - - Martin Hovland PhD, former Engineering Geologist with Statoil, Professor Emeritus University of Bergan, Senior Advisor Shell
Martin Hovland
Integrating all of the Earth resources into a MagmaChem Earth System Model will point the way to discoveries of elements needed for future technologies. - Ray Morely, Geologist and former BHP Minerals Exploration Manager Western US, Western Oil Sands Inc Founder and VP Business Development.
Ray Morely
I have known Stan Keith and Monte Swan for over 20 years. They have always been pioneers ... always thinking way ahead ...way out of the box. The Geosciences are mainly an inexact science and the importance of that open creative mind and the power to visualize the processes is key. Coming out of this “lock-in" time frame it’s even more important to think with such an open mind that the earth’s integrated processes are clear and respected to bring mankind forward to discover their own potential and the magnitude of new ideas. With Troy Tittlemier on board, they have that creative energy to propel them forward. Magmachem is a company to watch. - - - Susan Morrice, Geologist and Co-Founder and Chairperson Belize Natural Energy
Susan Morrice
Because Magmachem is so utterly data driven, they now possess a world class mineral and relationship database that may support both exploration for minerals and hydrocarbons for years to come. Their data base is also a true treasure trove that ideally should be subjected to voluminous research by clever students somewhere. - - Hans K Johnsen, PhD, Petroleum Engineer and former Program Manager Staoil's New Ideas R&D Group
Hans Konrad Johnsen
You can throw any tectonic, geophysical, mineralogical, and geological question at this Model, - and you can find it's solution and explanation from using it. - - - Martin Hovland PhD, former Engineering Geologist with Statoil, Professor Emeritus University of Bergan, Senior Advisor Shell
Martin Hovland
The most intriguing concept of the MagmaChem technology is the unique Layered Chemical, Petrological and Geophysical Mantle Model which explores the consequences of plate tectonics in a much larger detailed framework, where the different processes operate in a larger context than previously known. These processes set up movements of masses and heat from the inner to the outer parts of planet Earth, through magmatism and movements of hydrothermal fluids, processes that lead to the fractionation of the mobilized masses into mixtures of the various components. Furthermore, they have developed an advanced system for modeling these processes both in time and space allowing them to make predictions of the potential occurrences of mineral resources within a region. - - - Hakon Rueslatten, Geologist and former Research Advisor at Statoil R&D Center, Trondheim.
Hakon Rueslatten
The MagmaChem Earth System Model is an honest, truthful, and 'non-compromise' Model, ready for use. - - - Martin Hovland PhD, former Engineering Geologist with Statoil, Professor Emeritus University of Bergan, Senior Advisor Shell
Martin Hovland