Stan Keith

Stan Keith has B.A. and M.S.degrees in Philosophy and Geology from the University of Arizona. He began his career as an Economics Geologist at the Arizona Geological Survey. Later,with funding from exxon Research he began the research that led to the co-founding of MagmaChem Exploration inc.and MCRI's Layered Earth Model.
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Troy Tittlemier

Troy Tittlemier has a M.S. in Geology from University of Texas of the Permian basin. Former senior geoscientist business development manager of a private equity E&P energy company. Troy is a SW section AAPG delegate and counselor for the energy and mineral division, and co-founder of the PBE Podcast.

Jan (wilt) Rasmussen

Jan (wilt) Rasmussen earned a Ph.D. in economics Geology at the University of Arizona and is a Registered geologist in Arizona. She worked with Stan Keith as a research geologist for the Arizona Geological Survey. was on the Arizona oil and Gas Commission, worked as a geochemist at Woodward-Clyd, as a permit specialist at SRK Consulting, and was Curator of the Arizona Mining and Mineral Museum.
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Monte Swan

Monte Swan has degree in Geological Engineering from Michigan Technological University and in geology from the University of Arizona. After working as a research geologist for Kennecott's geological research group and as an Exploration Geologist for Newmont Gold he co-founded MagmaChem Exploration, inc.
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John-Mark Staude

John-Mark Staude is on our board of directors, he holds a Ph.D. in economic geology and has over 20 years of diverse mining and exploration experience in precious and base metals. He earned a Masters of Science from Harvard University in 1989 and a Ph.D. in economic geology from the University of Arizona in 1995. Mr. Staude held positions of increasing responsibility with a number of major international mining companies including Kennecott, BHP-Billiton, and most recently Teck Cominco.

Dan Laux

Dan Laux earned B.S. in Geology at Arizona State University. He was one of the earliest employees of Stan keith at MagmaChem Exploration full time most of its first decade and then off an on numerous projects untill the present day.. Dan is real data hound and has build many of the MagmaChem electronic maps and accompanying data bases using Mapinfo.

Lori Carroll

Lori Carroll earn a BA in anthopology at the University of Arizona. she work in the computer science field until 2005 when she join MagmaChem exploration as its office manager at the Sonoita office. She has also served as an able field assistant on many MagmaChem field projects.